Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We are ready for KIDS! may not be exactly what it means...

Last night Dj and I felt so much like parents! Lola kept throwing up and pooping all night.  Within 15 minutes she pooped twice and threw up 8 times! Our poor little girl looked miserable.  Dj and I didn't go to bed till 330 to mom says its karma because I never went to bed when they wanted me.  Hopefully kids will be easier.  Melanie says that at least kids wear diapers.

I was so busy at the salon today! It was so much fun.  I love working at a salon finally.  I never wake up dreading to go to work...which I can't say about my other jobs. 


  1. Overall I do think that kids will be easier. I hope Lola gets better soon. No fun! You guys will make cute kids, when you decide you are ready.

    I'm glad you're having fun at the salon. It's always nice to have a job that you love.

  2. I really appreciate you guys coming to pick me up for the doctor after you'd had a bad night. I guess just like babies, dogs can't tell you what is wrong. It is really nice when kids can make it to the toilet to throw up or tell you that their ears hurt. I predict that you guys will have a baby sooner than you're telling us.
