Monday, May 16, 2011

Rockie and LOLA

Dj and I made homemade dog treats for our puppies! It was so much fun! I made DJ try them and all of them were "blah" he said!

First we made milk bones.  I forgot to by a cookie cutter in the shape of a bone so we made them heart shaped!

Then, peanut butter poppers.  Lola doesnt really like these treats but ROCKIE loves them!

For hot days we also made them pug pops.  The recipe said "even yummy for adults" but no way could i ever think about tring them!

It was super cute seeing Dj dress up in a apron! I took lots of cute pictures but my camera is in the other room and I dont want to wake DJ since he works in 30 minutes!


  1. Man wesson wants to come to your house LOL :) I can't believe Dane tried them sick!

  2. That is awesome. I would've never even though to make homemade treats for animals.
